Technological Centre


CETIM promotes a working group on sustainable building materials

The ultimate goal is to promote collaborative R&D among companies, centres, universities and other organizations that make up this initiative set up within the Spanish Technological Construction Platform (PTEC).


During this year will also promote training, dissemination and outreach activities to raise awareness of society and administrations of the problems and needs of application of the circular economy in the sector.


Culleredo, February 15, 2019.- CETIM Technological Centre attended yesterday the first meeting of the “Sustainable Building Materials” working group launched at its own request within the framework of the Spanish Construction Technology Platform (PTEC) and that will co-lead with the Andalusian Innovation Center for Sustainable Construction (CIAC Foundation) and the IDONIAL Foundation. The other partners are the Spanish Institute of Cement and its Applications (IECA), association NOTIO, AEICE, FCC, University of Cantabria (UNICAN), Institute of Construction Sciences Eduardo Torroja (IETcc), Sacyr, Sika, Sta. Mª the Real, Dragados, Tecnalia, Puma Group, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Innova4EU, CEMOSA, INBISA.


The main objective of this specialized work group will be to evaluate, promote and develop materials that enhance the sustainability of the construction sector. Among these new products are those that reuse and revalue waste, are more durable, require less maintenance, consume less energy in their production and processing and are part of the circular economy strategy.


Throughout this first year, several milestones have been established to create a frame of reference and apply the results through a large collaborative project. In this regard, in the second four-month period of 2019, a study will be presented on the current state of the use of sustainable materials in Spain, including: use cases, opportunities and barriers. The document will serve as the basis for developing a joint R&D project that will be presented at the end of the year


It will also promote training, dissemination and dissemination activities to raise awareness of society and administrations of the problems and needs of the circular economy.


Trajectory with solvency
Sede de CETIM en Culleredo (A Coruña), inaugurada en 2018.CETIM has been working for several years in the sector of sustainable materials for construction with successful results from leading companies in Spain. This is the case of the POWDERPLAST project promoted by Cromogenia Units for the design and optimization of new powdered superplasticizers for cement formulations. Another ongoing research is GEOSTONE2, led by Cupa Group, which seeks to optimize the formulation of geopolymers for applications with high added value. Also in development is EMULCELL, featuring Misturas (Extraco Group), whose objective is new bituminous emulsions through the use of cold nanocelluloses with improved performance and sustainability.


The fourth success story is the project developed in collaboration with Canarga,  asphalt company. Through ECOROAD, it presented an environmental remediation through the development of asphalt mixtures that capture heavy metals.


What is PTEC?

The Spanish Construction Technology Platform aims to contribute to the improvement of the construction sector through public-private cooperation in research, development and innovation, carried out between companies, business associations, universities, research centers , technology centers and customers.