CETIM and Xunta de Galicia study ways of collaboration for the development of initiatives in circular economy
The General Director of Environmental Quality, Sustainability and Climate Change visited our facilities yesterday to learn about the main R&D&I projects that we are developing in each of our study areas.
Yesterday we received the visit to our facilities of Sagrario Pérez, General Director of Environmental Quality, Sustainability and Climate Change of the Xunta de Galicia to study ways of collaboration for the development of initiatives in the field of circular economy. She was accompanied during this visit by Toni Pons, General Director of CETIM, Lucía Camino Vázquez, Executive Director, Cristina Martínez, Technical Manager of Eco Bio and Rosalía Noguerol, Technical Manager of Advanced Materials.
As a benchmark centre for research and innovation in circular economy and sustainability, our researchers showed him the main R&D&I projects that we develop in each of our areas: Advanced Materials, ECO BIO Technologies, and Digital Industry.
“At CETIM we focus on research, with sustainability and the circular economy always as the main axes”, said Toni Pons, general director of CETIM. In the same vein, he stressed that “as a benchmark centre in circular economy, we seek to make any research or technological process as sustainable as possible, in many cases developing solutions that provide a transversally applicable response to different sectors, such as the revaluation of waste and industrial by-products in advanced and sustainable construction materials”.
For her part, Sagrario Pérez stressed that the transversality of the research and projects developed at CETIM can contribute to the design of strategies and the establishment of lines of action to achieve a real transformation of the current economic model, which involves the optimisation of resources, the reduction in the consumption of raw materials and the use of waste.
In addition, the director general showed special interest in the research we carry out on sustainable construction materials, such as, for example, the development of new approaches based on waste, biomaterials or construction waste.
Toni Pons, general director of CETIM: “The Galician administration makes a great effort to provide resources for business innovation and thanks to public-private collaboration we can continue transforming ideas into value”.