Technological Centre

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H2020 BIORECOVER project, led by CETIM, which has held a webinars series presenting new techniques that can improve the extraction processes of critical raw materials. [caption id="attachment_13871" align="aligncenter" width="627"] Webinar held in the framework of the BIORECOVER project.[/caption] Critical raw materials (CRMs) are indispensable to produce many goods we use every day and for  energetic transition in the European Union. Due to its scarcity, its economic importance...

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Today we participated in the BIC Matchmaking, where we had the opportunity to meet the partners of the Biobased Industries Consortium. Are you interested in participating in the next call for Circular Bio-Based Europe? Read! HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-01: Small scale biorefining in rural areas   Demonstration, upscaling and validation of resource-efficient technologies for the treatment of available resources (underutilised biomass; by-products; residues; solid, liquid and gaseous waste and residual streams)....

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El pasado 20 de octubre tuvo lugar en el CIS Tecnoloxía e Deseño de A Cabana (Ferrol) la jornada de presentación de los resultados de LIFE Drain Rain, proyecto que ha logrado la captación y mejora de la calidad de las aguas de escorrentía permitiendo además su reutilización para regadío, riego urbano y todo tipo de limpiezas y baldeo.

The results of pilots in Ferrol and Calasparra verify the elimination of pollutants, increasing the availability of a basic and now “circular” resource to reduce water stresses associated with droughts.

In the 1,744 water analysis developed, the removal of heavy metals, fossil fuel residues, pesticides and contamination by E. coli bacteria was verified.

The conclusions of this project funded by the LIFE program of the European Union were presented during the final event inaugurated by the director of the Port Authority of Ferrol-San Cibrao, Jesús Casás López.

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