Technological Centre


The ECLIPSE consortium, formed by ACTECO, PICVISA, REPSOL, CELLMAT TECHNOLOGIES, GRUPO COPO, SYNTHESIA, SEAT and TÉCNICAS REUNIDAS (leader), is researching new technological routes for recycling of complex plastics, to reduce the use of natural resources and the pollution generated by waste.

CETIM, as well as scientific coordinator of the project, are developing research for the advanced classification of complex plastics and proofs of concept of disruptive recycling technologies.

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CETIM colabora con el proyecto “Future: Fast Forward” para convertir a España en un hub del vehículo eléctrico en Europa

Led by the Volkswagen Group and SEAT S.A., the project is made up of 62 companies, 61% of them SMEs, from 11 autonomous communities.

It’s the largest business grouping in the history of the automotive industry in Spain.

CETIM and its partner ENSO INNOVATION will analyze different technologies for the recovery of high-value metals from used automotive components within the framework of one of the primary projects of PERTE VEC F3, called RELOAD.

The aim of this research, led from Galicia, is to reduce dependence on imports of high-value materials and to promote a sustainable, circular industrial model with a smaller environmental footprint.

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The LIGNOPRIZED and REDEFINE projects, both focused on obtaining high added value products from lignin, have been successfully completed.

LIGNOPRIZED has successfully introduced modified lignin into applications as diverse as concrete additives, pipes or textile additives, improving their conventional characteristics.

REDEFINE has succeeded in encapsulating fragrances and developing bio-surfactants with degreasing properties.

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CETIM collaborates with port logistics companies in the application of 4.0 technologies such as Digital Twins, Robotics and Artificial Vision for the improvement of port logistics and the storage and transformation of products.

SMARTSTORE investigates the optimization of the port logistics chain through the use of digital technologies such as artificial vision, digital twins, or robotics.

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La biosolución LIFE REFOREST alcanza hasta el 80% de eficacia para reducir la erosión de suelos quemados por incendios

As it is a prefabricated system, it can be implemented more quickly than conventional systems.

Based on the three pilots installed in southern Galicia and central Portugal, a complete transferability and replicability plan has been developed for other European areas.

These conclusions were presented today during the European conference on forestry strategy organised by CETIM to close four years of R&D&I research applied in the framework of LIFE REFOREST.

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CETIM Technological Centre has developed a dozen industrial applications from wood by-products for elements as varied as foam for car seats, cleaning products or Li-ion batteries.

In direct collaboration with fifty companies, it has been offering advanced solutions in circular economy for a decade through biorefinery models and R&D&i from lignin, cellulose or hemicellulose, generating more than €40M of investment.

The “green asphalt” devised by CETIM, additive with nanocellulose, won last November the 1st Innovative Materials Contest of the GAIN (Galician Innovation Agency) of the Xunta de Galicia.

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REWAISE is a major initiative of 4 European Water Utilities to implement technological innovations and new water governance methods.

After its first year, the project has deployed its first pilots to tackle key issues in improving water management efficiency.

Organised as Living Labs across Europe, each site develops specific solutions that are then implemented under a common methodology.

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CETIM is valorising successfully wine wastes, especially pomace wastes, by means of their biotransformation into bioplastics, specifically, the so-called polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs).

These degradable biopolymers are being obtained through the application of microorganisms that convert the organic matter of the waste into volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in a first stage and PHAs accumulating bacteria in the following two stages of enrichment and accumulation.

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